In the past, kitchen flooring option is often restricted to the likes of ceramic tiles and granite tiles. Moreover, wood flooring and laminate flooring which has been around in the Singapore flooring market for years, are not so suitable for the kitchen as it may require a tons of maintenance and care. Therefore the kitchen flooring design in Singapore is somehow quite limited in the past.
With the advent of flooring technology, we can start to see clickable resilient flooring products in the Singapore flooring market especially during the 2010s. These clickable resilient flooring which today has many terms created by the local flooring distributors using words like high end, luxury and others, though they are talking about the same thing. However not to be confused, these generic conventional clickable resilient flooring has some good common features that are good to be use as kitchen flooring. These features are being a hundred percent waterproof which made it easy to clean and wash. Unlike laminate flooring and wood flooring, too much water may not be good for them. The others essential features for the clickable resilient flooring also include, high slip resistance, impact resistance, termite proof and various wood like designs.
Though it may look good especially it gives home owners more choices for the kitchen now compare to the past when often ceramic or granite is the choice; most clickable resilient flooring products may not have another important feature, and that is, certified eco friendly properties. There during between 2015 and 2016 period, the Singapore flooring market started to see the rise of Eco Resilient Flooring (ERF).
Basically, eco resilient flooring is the advanced or improved version of the generic clickable resilient flooring products. It has similar properties to that of a clickable resilient flooring such as waterproof, termite proof, high slip resistance, impact resistance and others. The only difference, and perhaps the key difference, is that the flooring is certified eco friendly.
What to do look for in a certified eco friendly flooring product?
The common misconception for a certified eco friendly flooring product is that it is made of recycled or recyclable products. However the most important factor of a certified eco friendly flooring is firstly, it does not contain any harmful substances or metal material; and secondly, it ensures better indoor air quality especially for homes and offices or when enclosed spaces is concerned. The best way to look into whether a flooring product is certified eco friendly is to check for credible certifications such as the Singapore Green Label. Therefore, eco resilient flooring (ERF) is a recommended flooring for the kitchen due to it being waterproof while at the same time certified eco friendly.
Now with clickable resilient flooring and eco resilient flooring, it somehow make the kitchen more colourful! For example, you can select from a variety of wood inspired designs or even unique designs like cements, travertine and many for eco resilient flooring. So, it is kinda cool, right?
In a nutshell, as flooring technology advances, home owners will get to enjoy a wide variety of choices and eco friendly choices for the kitchen flooring. So, start design your kitchen today!