Eco Floortop Wood

Usual Price

$16.90 psf (Glue Down)


Promo Price:

Glue Down @ $9.80 psf

Bespoke Acoustic Panel

Usual Price $42 psf


Promo Price:

Bespoke Acoustic Panel @ $28.00 psf

Eco Resilient Flooring II 

Usual Price $6.80 psf


Promo Price:

Plank & Tiles Design @ $5.80 psf

Herringbone Design @ $5.50 psf

Composite Deck (EFD CoExtrude)

Usual Price $33 psf


Promo Price:

With Aluminium Structure @ $24.00 psf


  • Minimum 300 sqft for vinyl & wood flooring.
  • Minimum 80 sqft for decking.
  • Additional charges applies if less than MOQ.
  • Balcony Planter additional $4.50 psf.

    Eco Floortop WoodBespoke Acoustic PanelEco Resilient Flooring IIComposite Deck (EFD CoExtrude)

    Terms & Conditions:

    1. Validity of price differ by each group buy, please check with our sales representative.     

    2. This offer cannot be used: – after an order has been placed; or – in conjunction with any other offer or discount.   

    3. Minimum area surcharge will apply.   

    4. Non-refundable and non-transferable deposit must be made to validate offer.     

    5. In the event of any dispute, the decision of The Floor Gallery shall be final.
