The London’s Grenfell tower incident had caused building authorities and contractors over the world in looking at the importance of fire resistant material, as the fire is likely caused by the aluminium composite wall cladding on the facade of Grenfell tower based on the news report. The composite wall cladding products are low in fire resistance such that it quickened the spread of fire when it occured.
Building materials, whether it is cladding, flooring, decking or even furnishings, most of them has some level of fire resistance and safety features. To make it simple for home owners to identify safe flooring or decking product in this case, we have put up 3 simple points for them to look at.
#1 Fire Resistance Certification
One of the most important certificates to see in any building product, is the fire resistance certification. In Singapore, the most common one is the CE marking or “Conformité Européene”. In order to obtain this certification, a product will need to go through tests, one of it is the fire spread test. This is to ensure, that the fire spread will be slow and small when the product catches fire. The slower and smaller the fire spread, the better the fire resistance.
#2 Materials and Indoor Air Quality
Another important factor when it comes to fire resistance is the indoor air quality and the material of the product. When the product catches fire, the fumes produced is it harmful or not harmful to the human health? The amount of smoke produced is it a lot or not? Hence, it is important to have a certified fire resistant product that had the relevant test reports on the indoor air quality.
#3 Is It Certified Eco-Friendly?
There are many green certifications for building products with diverse certification standards. Here, you have to look into whether the product is certified eco friendly based on the safety of the material composite and the indoor air quality of the product. One credible green certifications is the Singapore Green Label. Some home owners may not realise that other type of green certification may only look into whether the product is manufactured in a environmentally friendly process and not its health or safety impact in the home. So, it is important for home owners to ask more questions here.
In summary, certified fire resistant building products from flooring , decking, cladding and furnishing are very important to ensure safety in the home as well as any buildings from potential fire incidents. Be safe and prudent when making a decision to buy your next building products or flooring!