
The pictures on the website can be photoedited  to make it look better. The real product may or may not look similar as the picture. Therefore, we recommend our prospects to make an appointment with us to view the flooring products.

The information in the website is updated on a timely basis where we may or may not have the latest updates for the consumers every now and then. Time and time again, especially the flooring stock in our warehouse may vary, so it is always best for clients to reserve or indent the flooring design that they are interested from our individual collection.

The reader may hold responsibility for any information he or she gather from the website. The company make no representation of the information that has been or would be interpreted by the reader.

In no situation or event, will The Floor Gallery Private Limited be liable for any damages from the reader, should there be any loss of data or time loss while browsing the website or any information incorrectly interpreted by the reader in his or her own judgement.

From the website, readers may be directed to a third party website in which The Floor Gallery Private Limited has no control over the content, design and layout of the website. This re-direction may not mean a recommendation as well. So, the reader has to make his or her judgement based on the information shown on the third party websites.

There may also be situation when the website is lagged or server is down. This may not be within the control of The Floor Gallery Private Limited. And there may be time that information may be edited or changed in the website.