Vinyl flooring is a popular flooring option amongst homeowners in Singapore because of its array of designs and advantages. Made purely out of synthetic material, it is easy to maintain, water-resistant and, compared to many other flooring options, relatively affordable. Despite its wide range of benefits, there are a few disadvantages to vinyl flooring as well. Here, we will highlight the common disadvantages of conventional vinyl flooring and alternatives you can consider for your home – without having to miss out on the benefits of vinyl flooring.
Play safe! HERT vinyl flooring is a great choice for young ones who love to roll around the floor during playtime.
Because of the chemicals used in producing conventional vinyl flooring, there is the likelihood of a potentially dangerous amount of VOC being released into the air. This can be harmful to our bodies when inhaled on a constant basis at home. Homeowners with young children or pets will definitely want to consider an alternative such as Hybrid Eco RigidTech (HERT) flooring. Manufactured with phthalate-free material, this low VOC-emitting vinyl flooring will ensure safe and non-toxic air quality for the little and furry little ones. And, unlike conventional non-biodegradable vinyl flooring, HERT flooring is an eco-friendly vinyl flooring option that eco-conscious homeowners can embrace.
Goodbye uneven floors! Homeowners who use ETEC flooring can feel comfortable with a flat and safe floor for the most accident-prone part of the house – the kitchen.
With conventional vinyl flooring, the installation must be done with utmost care and precision to ensure that the subfloors are absolutely clean and smooth. This is to avoid any unevenness from underneath the vinyl flooring that may eventually show up and be a permanent eyesore! To address such potential floor bumps, a great alternative to put on your list of flooring options is the EcoTech Extreme Core (ETEC) flooring. Unlike other common vinyl flooring, ETEC has a rigid and high-density core, which makes it resistant to most subfloor imperfections and prevents the telegraphing of vinyl tiles.
Beautiful yet easy to maintain, ETEC flooring is a versatile option that this homeowner chose for the kitchen, living room and even the bedroom.
Common vinyl flooring stains often include discolouration that arises when rubber comes in contact with low-quality vinyl flooring. It is an issue that many homeowners fail to note, especially when many shoes come with rubber soles that can threaten the aesthetics of your vinyl floor! That said, homeowners who want to enjoy the advantages of vinyl flooring without sweating over this can breathe easy with ETEC vinyl flooring. With its waterproof features, ETEC vinyl flooring is less susceptible to stains and discolouration and homeowners do not have to trade off its easy-to-maintain benefit.
For more information on The Flooring Gallery’s wide range of vinyl flooring and its advantages, feel free to get in touch with our vinyl flooring experts HERE.